
Keeping Up With Your Energy Demands

Diverse Insights for Innovative Solutions

Engineering Services

We bring value to our customers by leveraging our global project experience to enhance our engineering and design. The legacy of knowledge gained through engagements with scores of customers — in multiple cultures, countries, climates and terrains — yields innovative yet appropriate solutions.

Look to our professionals when you need assistance with:

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Utilizing Gulf’s GIS-based design process, we design optimized pipeline systems that include regulatory, constructability and capital cost considerations.

Our professionals have expertise in engineering a wide range of facilities that meet our clients’ varying demands.

We have experience designing all types of storage facilities, including tanks and underground storage for a wide variety of energy products.

Gulf Companies has extensive experience designing custody transfer metering facilities.

Choose our engineers to develop and finalize the designs for new processing facilities.

Step into green energy projects with a partner who will help with Due Diligence Reports, site layouts and EPC solutions.

From “Source to Sink,” Gulf is the industry leader in CO2 pipeline design and specializes in fugitive gas emissions management and alternative fuel technologies.


Unparalleled Global Experience

Engineering Services for Your Projects

The energy industry is constantly evolving. When you’re in the process of designing systems you will implement into your workflow, you need a trusted partner with experience to assist you. Gulf Companies specializes in engineering services for your peace of mind.

Trust our professionals, who are celebrating over 70 years of service in the industry, to guide you through projects from start to finish.

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Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Services

We Know a Lot Because We’ve Seen a Lot

Our global engineering hub provides a risk-based, quality approach. Our broad proficiency sets include industry best practices and a failsafe structured process to deliver the right engineering fit for your projects.

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Feasibility Studies (Pre-FEED)

Our well-documented pre-FEED confirms the technical and economic feasibility of your project.


Gulf generates a FEED not just to accurately predict project cost estimates but one that also provides the basis for the needed level of optimization and monetization.

Detailed Engineering

This stage includes all elements to generate the complete engineering package. Our processes ensure that the engineering and design deliverables comply with the overall project specifications, codes and standards and produce a constructible design fit for its purposes.

Field Engineering

Our site support services use as-built drawings, geospatial modeling and documentation to pinpoint issues, resolve them effectively and find alternatives that meet technical and financial needs.


Global Energy Solutions

About Our Engineering Capabilities

Gulf Companies works to build relationships with clients worldwide. From our headquarters in Houston, Texas, we dedicate ourselves to understanding every aspect of your engineering assignment to exceed expectations and deliver plans that make it possible to construct energy-related facilities and pipelines.

There’s a reason we’re known as the Pipeline People — we develop safe and sustainable designs that take projects in the energy sector to the next level.

Our Projects

Engineering Solutions for Complex Energy Challenges

Multidisciplinary Engineering Services

Our professionals address complex problems in the energy industry that require us to draw from different engineering backgrounds and advise on special projects demanding multiple perspectives. Gulf has engineers on staff to cover all discipline needs, including:

  • Process/hydraulics
  • Pipeline
  • Civil/structural
  • Mechanical
  • Electrical
  • Instrumentation

Reach Out to Gulf Companies for Project Assistance

Gulf Companies looks forward to hearing the details of your energy assignment. Contact us to learn more about our capabilities.

(713) 850-3400 CONTACT US
